36580000 Ocular Disorders
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Rx Item-Ak-Fluor 25% 500MG 12X2 ML Vial by Akorn Pharma USA Inj, Item No. RX089829, 089829, NDC No.: 17478-0250-20, 17478-250-20, 1747825020, 17478025020, 0250-20, 025020 UPC No. 3-17478-25020-3, 317478-250203, 317478250203, Category:RX, Brand Drug Classification: Opthalmlogy-Diagnostic Dyes Drug Class: Drug Class: 36580000 Ocular Disorders Brand/generic: BRAND Other Names: Fluorescein Sodium, Ak-Fluor, Fluorescein Sodium
Please email us at [email protected] for the quantity available, current pricing and eligibility to purchase. Please provide item# when calling or emailing. Thank you.
Rx Item-Bio Glo 1MG 100 Strip by Hub Pharma USA, Item No. RX276028, 276028, NDC No.: 17238-0900-11, 17238-900-11, 1723890011, 17238090011, 0900-11, 090011 UPC No. 3-17238-90011-9, 317238-900119, 317238900119, Category:RX, Brand Drug Classification: Diagnostic Agents Drug Class: Drug Class: 36580000 Ocular Disorders Brand/generic: Other Names: Fluorescein Sodium Ophthalmic, Bio Glo, Bio Glo, Fluorescein Sodium Ophthalmic, Bio Glo
Rx Item-Bioglo Fluore 1MG 300 STP by Hub Pharma USA, Item No. RX468001, 468001, NDC No.: 17238-0900-30, 17238-900-30, 1723890030, 17238090030, 0900-30, 090030 UPC No. 3-17238-90030-0, 317238-900300, 317238900300, Category:RX, Brand Drug Classification: Diagnostic Agents Drug Class: Drug Class: 36580000 Ocular Disorders Brand/generic: Other Names: Fluorescein Sodium Ophthalmic, Bioglo, Fluorescein Sodium Ophthalmic
Rx Item-Fluorescite 10% 12X5 ML Vial by Alcon Lab USA Surgi, Item No. RX941524, 941524, NDC No.: 00065-0092-65, 00065-092-65, 0006509265, 00065009265, 0092-65, 009265 UPC No. 3-00650-09265-4, 300650-092654, 300650092654, Category:RX, Brand Drug Classification: Diagnostic Agents Drug Class: Drug Class: 36580000 Ocular Disorders Brand/generic: Other Names: Fluorescein Sodium Intrav, Fluorescite, Fluorescite, Fluorescein Sodium Intrav, Fluorescite
Please email us at [email protected] for the quantity available, current pricing and eligibility to purchase. Please provide item# when calling or emailing. Thank you.
Rx Item-Ful-Glo Strip 0.6MG 300 Strip by Akorn Pharma USA, Item No. RX367631, 367631, NDC No.: 17478-0403-03, 17478-403-03, 1747840303, 17478040303, 0403-03, 040303 UPC No. 3-17478-40303-6, 317478-403036, 317478403036, Category:RX, Brand Drug Classification: Diagnostic Agents Drug Class: Drug Class: 36580000 Ocular Disorders Brand/generic: Other Names: Fluorescein Sodium Ophtha, Ful-Glo Strip, Ful-Glo Strip, Fluorescein Sodium Ophtha, Ful-Glo Strip
Rx Item-Ful-Glo Strip 1MG 100 Strip by Akorn Pharma USA, Item No. RX842649, 842649, NDC No.: 17478-0404-01, 17478-404-01, 1747840401, 17478040401, 0404-01, 040401 UPC No. 3-17478-40401-9, 317478-404019, 317478404019, Category:RX, Brand Drug Classification: Diagnostic Agents Drug Class: Drug Class: 36580000 Ocular Disorders Brand/generic: Other Names: Fluorescein Sodium Ophtha, Ful-Glo Strip, Ful-Glo Strip, Fluorescein Sodium Ophtha, Ful-Glo Strip