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Products: 23 item(s)

Rx Item-Amantadne Hcl 100MG 100 Cap by Heritage Pharma USA
Rx Item-Amantadne Hcl 100MG 100 Cap by Heritage Pharma USA, Item No. RX718387, 718387, NDC No.: 23155-0362-01, 23155-362-01, 2315536201, 23155036201, 0362-01, 036201 UPC No. 3-23155-36201-5, 323155-362015, 323155362015, Category:RX, Generic Drug Classification: Adamantane Antivirals Drug Class: Drug Class: 28360400 Adamantanes (Cns)8180400 Adamantane Antiviral Brand/generic: GENERIC Other Names: Symmetrel, Gocovri, Osmolex Er, Amantadne, Symmetrel, Gocovri, Osmolex Er
Please email us at [email protected] for the quantity available, current pricing and eligibility to purchase. Please provide item# when calling or emailing. Thank you.
Rx Item-Amantadne Hcl 100MG 100 Cap by Major Pharma USA
Rx Item-Amantadne Hcl 100MG 100 Cap by Major Pharma USA, Item No. RX633680, 633680, NDC No.: 00904-6630-61, 00904-630-61, 0090463061, 00904663061, 6630-61, 663061 UPC No. 3-09046-63061-6, 309046-630616, 309046630616, Category:RX, Generic Drug Classification: Adamantane Antivirals Drug Class: Drug Class: 28360400 Adamantanes (Cns)8180400 Adamantane Antiviral Brand/generic: GENERIC Other Names: Symmetrel, Gocovri, Osmolex Er, Amantadne, Symmetrel, Gocovri, Osmolex Er
Rx Item-Amantadne Hcl 100MG 100 Cap by Teva Pharma USA
Rx Item-Amantadne Hcl 100MG 100 Cap by Teva Pharma USA, Item No. RX616383, 616383, NDC No.: 00591-4930-01, 00591-930-01, 0059193001, 00591493001, 4930-01, 493001 UPC No. 3-05914-93001-7, 305914-930017, 305914930017, Category:RX, Generic Drug Classification: Adamantane Antivirals Drug Class: Drug Class: 28360400 Adamantanes (Cns)8180400 Adamantane Antiviral Brand/generic: GENERIC Other Names: Symmetrel, Gocovri, Osmolex Er, Amantadne, Symmetrel, Gocovri, Osmolex Er
Please email us at [email protected] for the quantity available, current pricing and eligibility to purchase. Please provide item# when calling or emailing. Thank you.
Rx Item-Amantadne Hcl 100MG 100 Cap by Upsher-Smith Lab Pharma USA
Rx Item-Amantadne Hcl 100MG 100 Cap by Upsher-Smith Lab Pharma USA, Item No. RX716136, 716136, NDC No.: 00832-1015-00, 00832-015-00, 0083201500, 00832101500, 1015-00, 101500 UPC No. 3-08321-01500-1, 308321-015001, 308321015001, Category:RX, Generic Drug Classification: Adamantane Antivirals Drug Class: Drug Class: 28360400 Adamantanes (Cns)8180400 Adamantane Antiviral Brand/generic: GENERIC Other Names: Symmetrel, Gocovri, Osmolex Er, Amantadne, Symmetrel, Gocovri, Osmolex Er
Rx Item-Amantadne Hcl 100MG 100 Tab by Jubilant Cadista Pharma USA
Rx Item-Amantadne Hcl 100MG 100 Tab by Jubilant Cadista Pharma USA, Item No. RX785220, 785220, NDC No.: 59746-0699-01, 59746-699-01, 5974669901, 59746069901, 0699-01, 069901 UPC No. 3-59746-69901-7, 359746-699017, 359746699017, Category:RX, Generic Drug Classification: Adamantane Antivirals Drug Class: Drug Class: 28360400 Adamantanes (Cns)8180400 Adamantane Antiviral Brand/generic: GENERIC Other Names: Symmetrel, Gocovri, Osmolex Er, Amantadne, Symmetrel, Gocovri, Osmolex Er
Please email us at [email protected] for the quantity available, current pricing and eligibility to purchase. Please provide item# when calling or emailing. Thank you.
Rx Item-Amantadne Hcl 100MG 100 Tab by Strides Pharma USA
Rx Item-Amantadne Hcl 100MG 100 Tab by Strides Pharma USA, Item No. RX724138, 724138, NDC No.: 42543-0497-01, 42543-497-01, 4254349701, 42543049701, 0497-01, 049701 UPC No. 3-42543-49701-6, 342543-497016, 342543497016, Category:RX, Generic Drug Classification: Adamantane Antivirals Drug Class: Drug Class: 28360400 Adamantanes (Cns)8180400 Adamantane Antiviral Brand/generic: GENERIC Other Names: Symmetrel, Gocovri, Osmolex Er, Amantadne, Symmetrel, Gocovri, Osmolex Er
Rx Item-Amantadne Hcl 100MG 100 Tab by Teva Pharma USA
Rx Item-Amantadne Hcl 100MG 100 Tab by Teva Pharma USA, Item No. RX606095, 606095, NDC No.: 00591-4920-01, 00591-920-01, 0059192001, 00591492001, 4920-01, 492001 UPC No. 3-05914-92001-8, 305914-920018, 305914920018, Category:RX, Generic Drug Classification: Adamantane Antivirals Drug Class: Drug Class: 28360400 Adamantanes (Cns)8180400 Adamantane Antiviral Brand/generic: GENERIC Other Names: Symmetrel, Gocovri, Osmolex Er, Amantadne, Symmetrel, Gocovri, Osmolex Er
Please email us at [email protected] for the quantity available, current pricing and eligibility to purchase. Please provide item# when calling or emailing. Thank you.
Rx Item-Amantadne Hcl 100MG 100 Tab by Upsher-Smith Lab Pharma USA
Rx Item-Amantadne Hcl 100MG 100 Tab by Upsher-Smith Lab Pharma USA, Item No. RX720072, 720072, NDC No.: 00832-0111-00, 00832-111-00, 0083211100, 00832011100, 0111-00, 011100 UPC No. 3-08320-11100-1, 308320-111001, 308320111001, Category:RX, Generic Drug Classification: Adamantane Antivirals Drug Class: Drug Class: 28360400 Adamantanes (Cns)8180400 Adamantane Antiviral Brand/generic: GENERIC Other Names: Symmetrel, Gocovri, Osmolex Er, Amantadne, Symmetrel, Gocovri, Osmolex Er
Rx Item-Amantadne Hcl 100MG 100 Tab by Upsher-Smith Lab Pharma USA
Rx Item-Amantadne Hcl 100MG 100 Tab by Upsher-Smith Lab Pharma USA, Item No. RX692943, 692943, NDC No.: 00832-0111-03, 00832-111-03, 0083211103, 00832011103, 0111-03, 011103 UPC No. 3-08320-11103-2, 308320-111032, 308320111032, Category:RX, Generic Drug Classification: Adamantane Antivirals Drug Class: Drug Class: 28360400 Adamantanes (Cns)8180400 Adamantane Antiviral Brand/generic: GENERIC Other Names: Symmetrel, Gocovri, Osmolex Er, Amantadne, Symmetrel, Gocovri, Osmolex Er
Rx Item-Amantadne Hcl 100MG Gen Symmetrel Unit Dose 50 Cap by Avkare Pharma USA
Rx Item-Amantadne Hcl 100MG 50 Cap by Avkare Pharma USA, Item No. RX320426, 320426, NDC No.: 50268-0069-15, 50268-069-15, 5026806915, 50268006915, 0069-15, 006915 UPC No. 3-50268-06915-9, 350268-069159, 350268069159, Category:RX, Generic Drug Classification: Adamantane Antivirals Drug Class: Drug Class: 28360400 Adamantanes (Cns)8180400 Adamantane Antiviral Brand/generic: GENERIC Other Names: Symmetrel, Gocovri, Osmolex Er, Amantadne, Symmetrel, Gocovri, Osmolex Er