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Products: 75 item(s)

Rx Item-XoleGel 2% 45 GM Gel by Aqua Pharma USA
Rx Item-XoleGel 2% 45 gm Gel by Aqua Pharma USA, Item No. RX144527, 144527, NDC No.: 16110-0080-45, 16110-080-45, 1611008045, 16110008045, 0080-45, 008045 UPC No. 3-16110-08045-1, 316110-080451, 316110080451, Category:RX, Brand Drug Classification: Anti-Infectives-Antifungals-Azoles Topical Drug Class: Drug Class: 84040808 Azoles (Skin And Mucous Membrane) Brand/generic: Other Names: Ketoconazole Topical Gel, Xolegel, Xolegel, Ketoconazole Topical Gel, Xolegel
Rx Item-Terconazole 80MG 3 SUP by Cosette Pharma USA
Rx Item-Terconazole 80MG 3 SUP by Cosette Pharma USA, Item No. RX486522, 486522, NDC No.: 00713-0552-73, 00713-552-73, 0071355273, 00713055273, 0552-73, 055273 UPC No. 3-07130-55273-8, 307130-552738, 307130552738, Category:RX, Generic Drug Classification: Anti-Infectives-Antifungals-Azoles Topical Drug Class: Drug Class: 84040808 Azoles (Skin And Mucous Membrane) Brand/generic: Other Names: Terconazole Vaginal Supp., Terconazole, Terconazole, Terconazole Vaginal Supp., Terconazole
Rx Item-Miconazole Nitrate 5 GM Powder by Fagron Pharma USA
Rx Item-Miconazole NITRAT 5 gm Powder by Fagron Pharma USA, Item No. RX232607, 232607, NDC No.: 51552-0122-02, 51552-122-02, 5155212202, 51552012202, 0122-02, 012202 UPC No. 3-51552-01222-6, 351552-012226, 351552012226, Category:RX, Chemicals Drug Classification: Anti-Infectives-Antifungals-Azoles Topical Drug Class: Drug Class: 84040808 Azoles (Skin And Mucous Membrane) Brand/generic: Other Names: Miconazole Nitrate Miscel, Miconazole, Miconazole, Miconazole Nitrate Miscel, Miconazole
Rx Item-Ketoconazole 2% 15 GM CRM by Fougera Pharma USA
Rx Item-Ketoconazole 2% 15 gm Cream by Fougera Pharma USA, Item No. RX772330, 772330, NDC No.: 00168-0099-15, 00168-099-15, 0016809915, 00168009915, 0099-15, 009915 UPC No. 3-01680-09915-6, 301680-099156, 301680099156, Category:RX, Generic Drug Classification: Anti-Infectives-Antifungals-Azoles Topical Drug Class: Drug Class: 84040808 Azoles (Skin And Mucous Membrane) Brand/generic: Other Names: Ketoconazole Topical Crea, Ketoconazole, Ketoconazole, Ketoconazole Topical Crea, Ketoconazole
Rx Item-Ketoconazole 2% Generic Nizoral 30 GM CRM by Fougera Pharma USA
Rx Item-Ketoconazole 2% 30 gm Cream by Fougera Pharma USA, Item No. RX482166, 482166, NDC No.: 00168-0099-30, 00168-099-30, 0016809930, 00168009930, 0099-30, 009930 UPC No. 3-01680-09930-9, 301680-099309, 301680099309, Category:RX, Generic Drug Classification: Anti-Infectives-Antifungals-Azoles Topical Drug Class: Drug Class: 84040808 Azoles (Skin And Mucous Membrane) Brand/generic: Other Names: Ketoconazole Topical Crea, Ketoconazole, Ketoconazole, Ketoconazole Topical Crea, Ketoconazole
Rx Item-Ketoconazole 2% Generic Nizoral 60 GM CRM by Fougera Pharma USA
Rx Item-Ketoconazole 2% 60 gm Cream by Fougera Pharma USA, Item No. RX483511, 483511, NDC No.: 00168-0099-60, 00168-099-60, 0016809960, 00168009960, 0099-60, 009960 UPC No. 3-01680-09960-6, 301680-099606, 301680099606, Category:RX, Generic Drug Classification: Anti-Infectives-Antifungals-Azoles Topical Drug Class: Drug Class: 84040808 Azoles (Skin And Mucous Membrane) Brand/generic: Other Names: Ketoconazole Topical Crea, Ketoconazole, Ketoconazole, Ketoconazole Topical Crea, Ketoconazole
Rx Item-Clotrimazole 1% 15 GM Cream by Glenmark Pharma USA
Rx Item-Clotrimazole 1% 15 gm Cream by Glenmark Pharma USA, Item No. RX088056, 088056, NDC No.: 68462-0181-17, 68462-181-17, 6846218117, 68462018117, 0181-17, 018117 UPC No. 3-68462-18117-1, 368462-181171, 368462181171, Category:RX, Generic Drug Classification: Anti-Infectives-Antifungals-Azoles Topical Drug Class: Drug Class: 84040808 Azoles (Skin And Mucous Membrane) Brand/generic: Other Names: Clotrimazole Topical Cream, Clotrimazole, Clotrimazole Topical Cream
Rx Item-Ecoza 1% 70 GM Foam by Glenmark Therapeutics USA
Rx Item-Ecoza 1% 70 gm Foam by Glenmark Therapeutics USA, Item No. RX257782, 257782, NDC No.: 23710-0100-70, 23710-100-70, 2371010070, 23710010070, 0100-70, 010070 UPC No. 3-23710-10070-0, 323710-100700, 323710100700, Category:RX, Brand Drug Classification: Anti-Infectives-Antifungals-Azoles Topical Drug Class: Drug Class: 84040808 Azoles (Skin And Mucous Membrane) Brand/generic: Other Names: Econazole Nitrate rate Topical, Ecoza, Ecoza, Econazole Nitrate rate Topical, Ecoza
Rx Item-Clotrimazole 10MG 140 Lozenges by Hikma Pharma USA
Rx Item-Clotrimazole 10MG 140 Lozenges by Hikma Pharma USA, Item No. RX548444, 548444, NDC No.: 00054-4146-23, 00054-146-23, 0005414623, 00054414623, 4146-23, 414623 UPC No. 3-00544-14623-4, 300544-146234, 300544146234, Category:RX, Generic Drug Classification: Anti-Infectives-Antifungals-Azoles Topical Drug Class: Drug Class: 84040808 Azoles (Skin And Mucous Membrane) Brand/generic: Other Names: Clotrimazole Lozenges, Clotrimazole, Clotrimazole Lozenges
Rx Item-Clotrimazole 10MG 70 Lozenges by Hikma Pharma USA
Rx Item-Clotrimazole 10MG 70 Lozenges by Hikma Pharma USA, Item No. RX550900, 550900, NDC No.: 00054-4146-22, 00054-146-22, 0005414622, 00054414622, 4146-22, 414622 UPC No. 3-00544-14622-7, 300544-146227, 300544146227, Category:RX, Generic Drug Classification: Anti-Infectives-Antifungals-Azoles Topical Drug Class: Drug Class: 84040808 Azoles (Skin And Mucous Membrane) Brand/generic: Other Names: Clotrimazole Lozenges, Clotrimazole, Clotrimazole Lozenges