Anti Thyoid Drug-To Treat Hyperthyrodism
Rx Item-Sulfacetamide Sodium Sodium-Sulfur 10-5 10%/5% 60 gm Foam by Acella Pharma USA, Item No. RX221414, 221414, NDC No.: 42192-0143-60, 42192-143-60, 4219214360, 42192014360, 0143-60, 014360 UPC No. 3-42192-14360-9, 342192-143609, 342192143609, Category:RX, Generic Drug Classification: Anti-Infective-Topical Drug Class: Drug Class: 84280000 Keratolytic Agents84049200 Local Anti- Infectives Misc. Brand/generic: Other Names: Sulfacetamide Sodium Sodium-Sulf, Sulfacetamide Sodium Sodium-Sulfur 10-5, Sulfacetamide Sodium Sodium-Sulfur 10-5, Sulfacetamide Sodium Sodium-Sulf, Sulfacetamide Sodium Sodium-Sulfur 10-5
Rx Item-Sulfacetamide Sodium Sodium-Sulfur 10-5 10/5% 100 gm Foam by Acella Pharma USA, Item No. RX227557, 227557, NDC No.: 42192-0143-01, 42192-143-01, 4219214301, 42192014301, 0143-01, 014301 UPC No. 3-42192-14301-2, 342192-143012, 342192143012, Category:RX, Generic Drug Classification: Anti-Infective-Topical Drug Class: Drug Class: 84280000 Keratolytic Agents84049200 Local Anti- Infectives Misc. Brand/generic: Other Names: Sulfacetamide Sodium Sodium-Sulf, Sulfacetamide Sodium Sodium-Sulfur 10-5, Sulfacetamide Sodium Sodium-Sulfur 10-5, Sulfacetamide Sodium Sodium-Sulf, Sulfacetamide Sodium Sodium-Sulfur 10-5
Rx Item-Methimazole AHP 10MG 100 Tab by American Health Packaging USA, Item No. RX783617, 783617, NDC No.: 60687-0370-01, 60687-370-01, 6068737001, 60687037001, 0370-01, 037001 UPC No. 3-60687-37001-9, 360687-370019, 360687370019, Category:RX, Generic Drug Classification: Anti Thyoid Drug-To Treat Hyperthyrodism Drug Class: Drug Class: 68360800 Antithyroid Agents Brand/generic: Other Names: Methimazole Oral Tablet 1, Methimazo Ahp, Methimazo Ahp, Methimazole Oral Tablet 1, Methimazo Ahp
Rx Item-Methimazole AHP 5MG 100 Tab by American Health Packaging USA, Item No. RX781724, 781724, NDC No.: 60687-0357-01, 60687-357-01, 6068735701, 60687035701, 0357-01, 035701 UPC No. 3-60687-35701-0, 360687-357010, 360687357010, Category:RX, Generic Drug Classification: Anti Thyoid Drug-To Treat Hyperthyrodism Drug Class: Drug Class: 68360800 Antithyroid Agents Brand/generic: Other Names: Methimazole Oral Tablet 5, Methimazo Ahp, Methimazo Ahp, Methimazole Oral Tablet 5, Methimazo Ahp
Rx Item-Methimazole 10MG 100 Tab by American Health Packaging USA, Item No. RX451864, 451864, NDC No.: 68084-0276-01, 68084-276-01, 6808427601, 68084027601, 0276-01, 027601 UPC No. 3-68084-27601-9, 368084-276019, 368084276019, Category:RX, Generic Drug Classification: Anti Thyoid Drug-To Treat Hyperthyrodism Drug Class: Drug Class: 68360800 Antithyroid Agents Brand/generic: Other Names: Methimazole Oral Tablet 1, Methimazole, Methimazole, Methimazole Oral Tablet 1, Methimazole
Rx Item-Propylthiouracil 50MG 5X6 Tab by American Health Packaging USA, Item No. RX438325, 438325, NDC No.: 68084-0964-25, 68084-964-25, 6808496425, 68084096425, 0964-25, 096425 UPC No. 3-68084-96425-1, 368084-964251, 368084964251, Category:RX, Generic Drug Classification: Anti Thyoid Drug-To Treat Hyperthyrodism Drug Class: Drug Class: 68360800 Antithyroid Agents Brand/generic: Other Names: Propylthiouracil Oral Tab, Propylthiour, Propylthiour, Propylthiouracil Oral Tab, Propylthiour
Rx Item-SSKI Saturated Soiution of Potassium Iodide 1GM-ML 237 ML sol by Avondale Pharma USA S, Item No. RX713851, 713851, NDC No.: 71740-0112-08, 71740-112-08, 7174011208, 71740011208, 0112-08, 011208 UPC No. 3-71740-11208-8, 371740-112088, 371740112088, Category:RX, Brand Drug Classification: Anti Thyoid Drug-To Treat Hyperthyrodism Drug Class: Drug Class: 68360800 Antithyroid Agents48160000 Expectorants92120000 Antidotes8149200 Antifungals Misc.A Brand/generic: Other Names: Potassium Iodide Oral Sol, Sski, Sski, Potassium Iodide Oral Sol, SSKI Saturated Soiution of Potassium Iodide
Rx Item-SSKI Saturated Soiution of Potassium Iodide 1GM-ML 30 ML sol by Avondale Pharma USA S, Item No. RX713870, 713870, NDC No.: 71740-0112-30, 71740-112-30, 7174011230, 71740011230, 0112-30, 011230 UPC No. 3-71740-11230-9, 371740-112309, 371740112309, Category:RX, Brand Drug Classification: Anti Thyoid Drug-To Treat Hyperthyrodism Drug Class: Drug Class: 68360800 Antithyroid Agents48160000 Expectorants92120000 Antidotes8149200 Antifungals Misc.A Brand/generic: Other Names: Potassium Iodide Oral Sol, Sski, Sski, Potassium Iodide Oral Sol, SSKI Saturated Soiution of Potassium Iodide
Rx Item-Methimazole 10MG 100 Tab by Eci Pharma USA, Item No. RX755076, 755076, NDC No.: 51293-0821-01, 51293-821-01, 5129382101, 51293082101, 0821-01, 082101 UPC No. 3-51293-82101-9, 351293-821019, 351293821019, Category:RX, Generic Drug Classification: Anti Thyoid Drug-To Treat Hyperthyrodism Drug Class: Drug Class: 68360800 Antithyroid Agents Brand/generic: Other Names: Methimazole Oral Tablet 1, Methimazole, Methimazole, Methimazole Oral Tablet 1, Methimazole
Rx Item-Methimazole 5MG 100 Tab by Eci Pharma USA, Item No. RX755066, 755066, NDC No.: 51293-0820-01, 51293-820-01, 5129382001, 51293082001, 0820-01, 082001 UPC No. 3-51293-82001-2, 351293-820012, 351293820012, Category:RX, Generic Drug Classification: Anti Thyoid Drug-To Treat Hyperthyrodism Drug Class: Drug Class: 68360800 Antithyroid Agents Brand/generic: Other Names: Methimazole Oral Tablet 5, Methimazole, Methimazole, Methimazole Oral Tablet 5, Methimazole