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Rx Item-Digifab 40MG 1 Vial by Btg International Pharma USA, Item No. RX031146, 031146, NDC No.: 50633-0120-11, 50633-120-11, 5063312011, 50633012011, 0120-11, 012011 UPC No. 3-50633-12011-9, 350633-120119, 350633120119, Category:RX, Brand Drug Classification: Antidotes Drug Class: Drug Class: 12080800 Antimuscarinics/ Antispasmodics Brand/generic: Other Names: Digoxin Immune Fab Intrav, Digifab, Digifab, Digoxin Immune Fab Intrav, Digifab
Rx Item-Acetylcysteine 20% 3X30 ML sol by Fresenius Kabi Pharma USA, Item No. RX191676, 191676, NDC No.: 63323-0690-30, 63323-690-30, 6332369030, 63323069030, 0690-30, 069030 UPC No. 3-63323-69030-4, 363323-690304, 363323690304, Category:RX, Generic Drug Classification: Antidotes Drug Class: Drug Class: 48240000 Mucolytic Agents Brand/generic: GENERIC Other Names: Acetadote, Acetylcysteine, Acetadote
Please email us at [email protected] for the quantity available, current pricing and eligibility to purchase. Please provide item# when calling or emailing. Thank you.
Rx Item-Acetylcysteine 0.1MG/ML 25X4 ML Vial by American Regent Lab USA, Item No. RX706313, 706313, NDC No.: 00517-7504-25, 00517-504-25, 0051750425, 00517750425, 7504-25, 750425 UPC No. 3-05177-50425-3, 305177-504253, 305177504253, Category:RX, Generic Drug Classification: Antidotes Drug Class: Drug Class: 48240000 Mucolytic Agents92920000 Other Misc. Therapeutic Agent Brand/generic: GENERIC Other Names: Acetadote, Acetylcysteine, Acetadote
Rx Item-Acetylcysteine 10% 3X10 ML Vial by Fresenius Kabi Pharma USA, Item No. RX328854, 328854, NDC No.: 63323-0693-10, 63323-693-10, 6332369310, 63323069310, 0693-10, 069310 UPC No. 3-63323-69310-7, 363323-693107, 363323693107, Category:RX, Generic Drug Classification: Antidotes Drug Class: Drug Class: 48240000 Mucolytic Agents92920000 Other Misc. Therapeutic Agent Brand/generic: GENERIC Other Names: Acetadote, Acetylcysteine, Acetadote
Rx Item-Acetylcysteine 10% 3X30 ML Vial by Fresenius Kabi Pharma USA, Item No. RX328849, 328849, NDC No.: 63323-0691-30, 63323-691-30, 6332369130, 63323069130, 0691-30, 069130 UPC No. 3-63323-69130-1, 363323-691301, 363323691301, Category:RX, Generic Drug Classification: Antidotes Drug Class: Drug Class: 48240000 Mucolytic Agents92920000 Other Misc. Therapeutic Agent Brand/generic: GENERIC Other Names: Acetadote, Acetylcysteine, Acetadote
Rx Item-Acetylcysteine 10% 3X30 ML Vial by Pfizer Pharma USA Injec, Item No. RX941302, 941302, NDC No.: 00409-3307-03, 00409-307-03, 0040930703, 00409330703, 3307-03, 330703 UPC No. 3-04093-30703-1, 304093-307031, 304093307031, Category:RX, Generic Drug Classification: Antidotes Drug Class: Drug Class: 48240000 Mucolytic Agents92920000 Other Misc. Therapeutic Agent Brand/generic: GENERIC Other Names: Acetadote, Acetylcysteine, Acetadote
Rx Item-Acetylcysteine 100MG-ML 25X4 ML Vial by Fresenius Kabi Pharma USA, Item No. RX333260, 333260, NDC No.: 63323-0695-04, 63323-695-04, 6332369504, 63323069504, 0695-04, 069504 UPC No. 3-63323-69504-0, 363323-695040, 363323695040, Category:RX, Generic Drug Classification: Antidotes Drug Class: Drug Class: 48240000 Mucolytic Agents92920000 Other Misc. Therapeutic Agent Brand/generic: GENERIC Other Names: Acetadote, Acetylcysteine, Acetadote
Rx Item-Acetylcysteine 20% 25X4 ML Vial by American Regent Lab USA, Item No. RX706337, 706337, NDC No.: 00517-7604-25, 00517-604-25, 0051760425, 00517760425, 7604-25, 760425 UPC No. 3-05177-60425-0, 305177-604250, 305177604250, Category:RX, Generic Drug Classification: Antidotes Drug Class: Drug Class: 48240000 Mucolytic Agents92920000 Other Misc. Therapeutic Agent Brand/generic: GENERIC Other Names: Acetadote, Acetylcysteine, Acetadote
Rx Item-Acetylcysteine 20% 3X10 ML Vial by Fresenius Kabi Pharma USA, Item No. RX253284, 253284, NDC No.: 63323-0692-10, 63323-692-10, 6332369210, 63323069210, 0692-10, 069210 UPC No. 3-63323-69210-0, 363323-692100, 363323692100, Category:RX, Generic Drug Classification: Antidotes Drug Class: Drug Class: 48240000 Mucolytic Agents92920000 Other Misc. Therapeutic Agent Brand/generic: GENERIC Other Names: Acetadote, Acetylcysteine, Acetadote
Rx Item-Acetylcysteine 200MG-ML 4X30 ML Injection by Akorn Pharma USA Inj, Item No. RX416743, 416743, NDC No.: 17478-0660-30, 17478-660-30, 1747866030, 17478066030, 0660-30, 066030 UPC No. 3-17478-66030-9, 317478-660309, 317478660309, Category:RX, Generic Drug Classification: Antidotes Drug Class: Drug Class: 92120000 Antidotes Brand/generic: GENERIC Other Names: Acetadote, Acetylcysteine, Acetadote
Please email us at [email protected] for the quantity available, current pricing and eligibility to purchase. Please provide item# when calling or emailing. Thank you.