Gastric Drugs
Rx Item-Linzess 145MCG 30 Cap by Allergan Pharma USA, Item No. RX198739, 198739, NDC No.: 00456-1201-30, 00456-201-30, 0045620130, 00456120130, 1201-30, 120130 UPC No. 3-04561-20130-3, 304561-201303, 304561201303, Category:RX, Brand Drug Classification: Gastric Drugs Drug Class: Drug Class: 56920000 Gi Drugs Misc. Brand/generic: Other Names: Linaclotide Oral Capsule, Linzess, Linzess, Linaclotide Oral Capsule, Linzess
Please email us at [email protected] for the quantity available, current pricing and eligibility to purchase. Please provide item# when calling or emailing. Thank you.
Rx Item-Linzess 290MCG 30 Cap by Allergan Pharma USA, Item No. RX198743, 198743, NDC No.: 00456-1202-30, 00456-202-30, 0045620230, 00456120230, 1202-30, 120230 UPC No. 3-04561-20230-4, 304561-202304, 304561202304, Category:RX, Brand Drug Classification: Gastric Drugs Drug Class: Drug Class: 56920000 Gi Drugs Misc. Brand/generic: Other Names: Linaclotide Oral Capsule, Linzess, Linzess, Linaclotide Oral Capsule, Linzess
Please email us at [email protected] for the quantity available, current pricing and eligibility to purchase. Please provide item# when calling or emailing. Thank you.
Rx Item-Linzess 72MCG 30 Cap by Allergan Pharma USA, Item No. RX630053, 630053, NDC No.: 00456-1203-30, 00456-203-30, 0045620330, 00456120330, 1203-30, 120330 UPC No. 3-04561-20330-7, 304561-203307, 304561203307, Category:RX, Brand Drug Classification: Gastric Drugs Drug Class: Drug Class: 56920000 Gi Drugs Misc. Brand/generic: Other Names: Linaclotide Oral Capsule, Linzess, Linzess, Linaclotide Oral Capsule, Linzess
Please email us at [email protected] for the quantity available, current pricing and eligibility to purchase. Please provide item# when calling or emailing. Thank you.
Rx Item-Movantik 12.5MG 30 Tab by Astra Zeneca Pharma USA, Item No. RX377453, 377453, NDC No.: 00310-1969-30, 00310-969-30, 0031096930, 00310196930, 1969-30, 196930 UPC No. 3-03101-96930-7, 303101-969307, 303101969307, Category:RX, Brand Drug Classification: Gastric Drugs Drug Class: Drug Class: 56920000 Gi Drugs Misc. Brand/generic: Other Names: Naloxegol Oxalate Oral Ta, Movantik, Movantik, Naloxegol Oxalate Oral Ta, Movantik
Rx Item-Movantik 25MG 100 Tab by Astra Zeneca Pharma USA, Item No. RX377445, 377445, NDC No.: 00310-1970-39, 00310-970-39, 0031097039, 00310197039, 1970-39, 197039 UPC No. 3-03101-97039-0, 303101-970390, 303101970390, Category:RX, Brand Drug Classification: Gastric Drugs Drug Class: Drug Class: 56920000 Gi Drugs Misc. Brand/generic: Other Names: Naloxegol Oxalate Oral Ta, Movantik, Movantik, Naloxegol Oxalate Oral Ta, Movantik
Rx Item-Movantik 25MG 30 Tab by Astra Zeneca Pharma USA, Item No. RX377440, 377440, NDC No.: 00310-1970-30, 00310-970-30, 0031097030, 00310197030, 1970-30, 197030 UPC No. 3-03101-97030-3, 303101-970303, 303101970303, Category:RX, Brand Drug Classification: Gastric Drugs Drug Class: Brand/generic: Other Names: Naloxegol Oxalate Oral Ta, Movantik, Movantik, Naloxegol Oxalate Oral Ta, Movantik
Rx Item-Symproic 0.2MG 30 Tab by Biodelivery Sciences Intl USA, Item No. RX880587, 880587, NDC No.: 59385-0041-30, 59385-041-30, 5938504130, 59385004130, 0041-30, 004130 UPC No. 3-59385-04130-7, 359385-041307, 359385041307, Category:RX, Brand Drug Classification: Gastric Drugs Drug Class: Drug Class: 56920000 Gi Drugs Misc. Brand/generic: Other Names: Naldemedine Tosylate Oral, Symproic, Symproic, Naldemedine Tosylate Oral, Symproic
Rx Item-Symproic 0.2MG 90 Tab by Biodelivery Sciences Intl USA, Item No. RX760393, 760393, NDC No.: 59630-0222-90, 59630-222-90, 5963022290, 59630022290, 0222-90, 022290 UPC No. 3-59630-22290-1, 359630-222901, 359630222901, Category:RX, Brand Drug Classification: Gastric Drugs Drug Class: Drug Class: 56920000 Gi Drugs Misc. Brand/generic: Other Names: Naldemedine Tosylate Oral, Symproic, Symproic, Naldemedine Tosylate Oral, Symproic
Rx Item-Visbiome 900B 30 PKT-Keep Refrigerated - by Exegi Pharma USA, Item No. RX481655, 481655, NDC No.: 69355-0516-01, 69355-516-01, 6935551601, 69355051601, 0516-01, 051601 UPC No. 3-69355-51601-8, 369355-516018, 369355516018, Category:RX, Brand Drug Classification: Gastric Drugs Drug Class: Drug Class: 56920000 Gi Drugs Misc. Brand/generic: Other Names: Lactobacil 2-S.Thermo-Bif, Visbiome, Visbiome, Lactobacil 2-S.Thermo-Bif, Visbiome
Rx Item-Entereg Ds 12MG 30 Cap by Merck & Co Pharma USA, Item No. RX193324, 193324, NDC No.: 67919-0020-10, 67919-020-10, 6791902010, 67919002010, 0020-10, 002010 UPC No. 3-67919-02010-4, 367919-020104, 367919020104, Category:RX, Brand Drug Classification: Gastric Drugs Drug Class: Drug Class: 56920000 Gi Drugs Misc. Brand/generic: Other Names: Alvimopan Oral Capsule 12, Entereg Ds, Entereg Ds, Alvimopan Oral Capsule 12, Entereg Ds