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Products: 14 item(s)

Rx Item-PEG-3350 4000 ML sol by Affordable Pharma USA
Rx Item-PEG-3350 4000 ML sol by Affordable Pharma USA, Item No. RX633701, 633701, NDC No.: 10572-0100-01, 10572-100-01, 1057210001, 10572010001, 0100-01, 010001 UPC No. 3-10572-10001-6, 310572-100016, 310572100016, Category:RX, Generic Drug Classification: Gastrointestinal Agents-Cathartics & Laxatives Drug Class: Drug Class: 56120000 Cathartics And Laxatives Brand/generic: Other Names: Peg3350-Sodium Sulfacetamide-Sulfur Bicarb C, PEG-3350, PEG-3350, Peg3350-Sodium Sulfacetamide-Sulfur Bicarb C, PEG-3350
Rx Item-PEG-3350 PINEAP 4000 ML sol by Affordable Pharma USA
Rx Item-PEG-3350 PINEAP 4000 ML sol by Affordable Pharma USA, Item No. RX598961, 598961, NDC No.: 10572-0101-01, 10572-101-01, 1057210101, 10572010101, 0101-01, 010101 UPC No. 3-10572-10101-3, 310572-101013, 310572101013, Category:RX, Generic Drug Classification: Gastrointestinal Agents-Cathartics & Laxatives Drug Class: Drug Class: 56120000 Cathartics And Laxatives Brand/generic: Other Names: Peg3350-Sodium Sulfacetamide-Sulfur Bicarb C, PEG-3350, PEG-3350, Peg3350-Sodium Sulfacetamide-Sulfur Bicarb C, PEG-3350
Rx Item-PEG-3350 W/FLAVOR 4 LT sol by Affordable Pharma USA
Rx Item-PEG-3350 W/FLAVOR 4 LT sol by Affordable Pharma USA, Item No. RX248252, 248252, NDC No.: 10572-0302-01, 10572-302-01, 1057230201, 10572030201, 0302-01, 030201 UPC No. 3-10572-30201-4, 310572-302014, 310572302014, Category:RX, Generic Drug Classification: Gastrointestinal Agents-Cathartics & Laxatives Drug Class: Drug Class: 56120000 Cathartics And Laxatives Brand/generic: Other Names: Sodium Chloride-Nahco3-Kc, PEG-3350, PEG-3350, Sodium Chloride-Nahco3-Kc, PEG-3350
Rx Item-Clenpiq 10MG3.5/12 2X160 ML sol by Ferring Pharma USA
Rx Item-Clenpiq 10MG3.5/12 2X160 ML sol by Ferring Pharma USA, Item No. RX718813, 718813, NDC No.: 55566-6700-01, 55566-700-01, 5556670001, 55566670001, 6700-01, 670001 UPC No. 3-55566-67001-4, 355566-670014, 355566670014, Category:RX, Brand Drug Classification: Gastrointestinal Agents-Cathartics & Laxatives Drug Class: Drug Class: 56120000 Cathartics And Laxatives Brand/generic: Other Names: Sodium Picosulfate, Magnesium Oxide, and Citric Acid Solution, Clenpiq, Sodium Picosulfate, Magnesium Oxide, and Citric Acid Solution
Rx Item-Gavilyte-C 4000 ML sol by Lupin Pharma USA
Rx Item-Gavilyte-C 4000 ML sol by Lupin Pharma USA, Item No. RX076671, 076671, NDC No.: 43386-0060-19, 43386-060-19, 4338606019, 43386006019, 0060-19, 006019 UPC No. 3-43386-06019-1, 343386-060191, 343386060191, Category:RX, Generic Drug Classification: Gastrointestinal Agents-Cathartics & Laxatives Drug Class: Drug Class: 56120000 Cathartics And Laxatives Brand/generic: Other Names: Peg3350-Sodium Sulfacetamide-Sulfur Bicarb C, Gavilyte-C, Gavilyte-C, Peg3350-Sodium Sulfacetamide-Sulfur Bicarb C, Gavilyte-C
Rx Item-Gavilyte-G 4000 ML sol by Lupin Pharma USA
Rx Item-Gavilyte-G 4000 ML sol by Lupin Pharma USA, Item No. RX077343, 077343, NDC No.: 43386-0090-19, 43386-090-19, 4338609019, 43386009019, 0090-19, 009019 UPC No. 3-43386-09019-8, 343386-090198, 343386090198, Category:RX, Generic Drug Classification: Gastrointestinal Agents-Cathartics & Laxatives Drug Class: Drug Class: 56120000 Cathartics And Laxatives Brand/generic: Other Names: Peg3350-Sodium Sulfacetamide-Sulfur Bicarb C, Gavilyte-G, Gavilyte-G, Peg3350-Sodium Sulfacetamide-Sulfur Bicarb C, Gavilyte-G
Rx Item-Gavilyte-N 4000 ML sol by Lupin Pharma USA
Rx Item-Gavilyte-N 4000 ML sol by Lupin Pharma USA, Item No. RX077331, 077331, NDC No.: 43386-0050-19, 43386-050-19, 4338605019, 43386005019, 0050-19, 005019 UPC No. 3-43386-05019-2, 343386-050192, 343386050192, Category:RX, Generic Drug Classification: Gastrointestinal Agents-Cathartics & Laxatives Drug Class: Drug Class: 56120000 Cathartics And Laxatives Brand/generic: Other Names: Sodium Chloride-Nahco3-Kc, Gavilyte-N, Gavilyte-N, Sodium Chloride-Nahco3-Kc, Gavilyte-N
Rx Item-Peg3350 850 GM PWD by Major Pharmrugby
Rx Item-Peg3350 850 gm Powder by Major Pharmrugby, Item No. RX392163, 392163, NDC No.: 00536-1052-84, 00536-052-84, 0053605284, 00536105284, 1052-84, 105284 UPC No. 3-05361-05284-3, 305361-052843, 305361052843, Category:RX, Generic Drug Classification: Gastrointestinal Agents-Cathartics & Laxatives Drug Class: Drug Class: 56120000 Cathartics And Laxatives Brand/generic: Other Names: Polyethylene Glycol 3350, Peg3350, Peg3350, Polyethylene Glycol 3350, Peg3350
Rx Item-Trilyte W- FLAVor PACK 4 LT sol by Mylan Pharma USA
Rx Item-Trilyte W- FLAVPACK 4 LT sol by Mylan Pharma USA, Item No. RX248245, 248245, NDC No.: 51525-6831-04, 51525-831-04, 5152583104, 51525683104, 6831-04, 683104 UPC No. 3-51525-68314-9, 351525-683149, 351525683149, Category:RX, Generic Drug Classification: Gastrointestinal Agents-Cathartics & Laxatives Drug Class: Drug Class: 56120000 Cathartics And Laxatives Brand/generic: Other Names: Sodium Chloride-Nahco3-Kc, Trilyte W-, Trilyte W-, Sodium Chloride-Nahco3-Kc, Trilyte W-
Rx Item-Peg3350 Nacl 420GM 4 LT Powder by Strides Pharma USA
Rx Item-Peg3350 Nacl 420gm 4 LT Powder by Strides Pharma USA, Item No. RX698555, 698555, NDC No.: 64380-0769-21, 64380-769-21, 6438076921, 64380076921, 0769-21, 076921 UPC No. 3-64380-76921-7, 364380-769217, 364380769217, Category:RX, Generic Drug Classification: Gastrointestinal Agents-Cathartics & Laxatives Drug Class: Drug Class: 56120000 Cathartics And Laxatives Brand/generic: Other Names: Sodium Chloride-Nahco3-Kc, Peg3350 Nacl, Peg3350 Nacl, Sodium Chloride-Nahco3-Kc, Peg3350 Nacl