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Products: 12 item(s)

Rx Item-Menostar 0.014M 4 Patch  by Bayer Hc Pharma USA
Rx Item-Menostar 0.014M 4 Patch by Bayer HC Pharma USA, Item No. RX499172, 499172, NDC No.: 50419-0455-04, 50419-455-04, 5041945504, 50419045504, 0455-04, 045504 UPC No. 3-50419-45504-6, 350419-455046, 350419455046, Category:RX, Brand Drug Classification: Gonadotropins-Follicle Stimulating Hormone Systemic Drug Class: Drug Class: 68180800 Gonadotropins Brand/generic: Other Names: Estradiol Transderm Patch, Menostar, Menostar, Estradiol Transderm Patch, Menostar
Rx Item-Menopur 75IU 5 Vial  by Ferring Pharma USA
Rx Item-Menopur 75IU 5 Vial by Ferring Pharma USA, Item No. RX963494, 963494, NDC No.: 55566-7501-02, 55566-501-02, 5556650102, 55566750102, 7501-02, 750102 UPC No. 3-55566-75012-9, 355566-750129, 355566750129, Category:RX, Brand Drug Classification: Gonadotropins-Follicle Stimulating Hormone Systemic Drug Class: Drug Class: 68180800 Gonadotropins Brand/generic: Other Names: Menotropins Subcut Vial 7, Menopur, Menopur, Menotropins Subcut Vial 7, Menopur
Rx Item-Novarel 10MUN 10 ML Multi Dose Vial by Ferring Pharma USA
Rx Item-Novarel 10MUN 10 ML Multi Dose Vial by Ferring Pharma USA, Item No. RX938951, 938951, NDC No.: 55566-1501-01, 55566-501-01, 5556650101, 55566150101, 1501-01, 150101 UPC No. 3-55566-15011-0, 355566-150110, 355566150110, Category:RX, Brand Drug Classification: Gonadotropins-Follicle Stimulating Hormone Systemic Drug Class: Drug Class: 68180800 Gonadotropins Brand/generic: Other Names: Chorionic Gonadotropin H, Novarel, Novarel, Chorionic Gonadotropin H, Novarel
Please email us at [email protected] for the quantity available, current pricing and eligibility to purchase. Please provide item# when calling or emailing. Thank you.
Rx Item-Follistim Aq 900IU CRT-Keep Refrigerated - by Merck & Co Pharma USA
Rx Item-Follistim AQ 900IU CRT-Keep Refrigerated - by Merck & Co Pharma USA, Item No. RX545018, 545018, NDC No.: 00052-0326-01, 00052-326-01, 0005232601, 00052032601, 0326-01, 032601 UPC No. 3-00520-32601-8, 300520-326018, 300520326018, Category:RX, Brand Drug Classification: Gonadotropins-Follicle Stimulating Hormone Systemic Drug Class: Drug Class: 68180800 Gonadotropins Brand/generic: Other Names: Follitropin Beta Recomb S, Follistim AQ, Follistim AQ, Follitropin Beta Recomb S, Follistim AQ
Rx Item-Gonal-F 1050IU Multi Dose Vial by Serono Labs USA
Rx Item-Gonal-F 1050IU Multi Dose Vial by Serono Labs USA, Item No. RX604809, 604809, NDC No.: 44087-9070-01, 44087-070-01, 4408707001, 44087907001, 9070-01, 907001 UPC No. 3-44087-90701-3, 344087-907013, 344087907013, Category:RX, Brand Drug Classification: Gonadotropins-Follicle Stimulating Hormone Systemic Drug Class: Drug Class: 68180800 Gonadotropins Brand/generic: Other Names: Follitropin Alfa Recombi, Gonal-F, Gonal-F, Follitropin Alfa Recombi, Gonal-F
Rx Item-Gonal-F 450IU Multi Dose Vial  by Serono Labs USA
Rx Item-Gonal-F 450IU Multi Dose Vial by Serono Labs USA, Item No. RX006142, 006142, NDC No.: 44087-9030-01, 44087-030-01, 4408703001, 44087903001, 9030-01, 903001 UPC No. 7-20303-90301-2, 720303-903012, 720303903012, Category:RX, Brand Drug Classification: Gonadotropins-Follicle Stimulating Hormone Systemic Drug Class: Drug Class: 68180800 Gonadotropins Brand/generic: Other Names: Follitropin Alfa Recombi, Gonal-F, Gonal-F, Follitropin Alfa Recombi, Gonal-F
Rx Item-Gonal-F Redi- 300IU PEN -Keep Refrigerated - by Serono Labs USA
Rx Item-Gonal-F Redi- 300IU PEN -Keep Refrigerated - by Serono Labs USA, Item No. RX253258, 253258, NDC No.: 44087-1115-01, 44087-115-01, 4408711501, 44087111501, 1115-01, 111501 UPC No. 3-44087-11151-9, 344087-111519, 344087111519, Category:RX, Brand Drug Classification: Gonadotropins-Follicle Stimulating Hormone Systemic Drug Class: Drug Class: 68180800 Gonadotropins Brand/generic: Other Names: Follitropin Alfa Recombi, Gonal-F Redi-, Gonal-F Redi-, Follitropin Alfa Recombi, Gonal-F Redi-
Rx Item-Gonal-F Redi- 450IU PEN -Keep Refrigerated - by Serono Labs USA
Rx Item-Gonal-F Redi- 450IU PEN -Keep Refrigerated - by Serono Labs USA, Item No. RX253265, 253265, NDC No.: 44087-1116-01, 44087-116-01, 4408711601, 44087111601, 1116-01, 111601 UPC No. 3-44087-11161-8, 344087-111618, 344087111618, Category:RX, Brand Drug Classification: Gonadotropins-Follicle Stimulating Hormone Systemic Drug Class: Drug Class: 68180800 Gonadotropins Brand/generic: Other Names: Follitropin Alfa Recombi, Gonal-F Redi-, Gonal-F Redi-, Follitropin Alfa Recombi, Gonal-F Redi-
Rx Item-Gonal-F Redi- 900IU PEN -Keep Refrigerated - by Serono Labs USA
Rx Item-Gonal-F Redi- 900IU PEN -Keep Refrigerated - by Serono Labs USA, Item No. RX253272, 253272, NDC No.: 44087-1117-01, 44087-117-01, 4408711701, 44087111701, 1117-01, 111701 UPC No. 3-44087-11171-7, 344087-111717, 344087111717, Category:RX, Brand Drug Classification: Gonadotropins-Follicle Stimulating Hormone Systemic Drug Class: Drug Class: 68180800 Gonadotropins Brand/generic: Other Names: Follitropin Alfa Recombi, Gonal-F Redi-, Gonal-F Redi-, Follitropin Alfa Recombi, Gonal-F Redi-
Rx Item-Gonal-F Rff 75IU 10 Vial  by Serono Labs USA
Rx Item-Gonal-F Rff 75IU 10 Vial by Serono Labs USA, Item No. RX330098, 330098, NDC No.: 44087-9005-06, 44087-005-06, 4408700506, 44087900506, 9005-06, 900506 UPC No. 7-20303-90056-1, 720303-900561, 720303900561, Category:RX, Brand Drug Classification: Gonadotropins-Follicle Stimulating Hormone Systemic Drug Class: Drug Class: 68180800 Gonadotropins Brand/generic: Other Names: Follitropin Alfa Recombi, Gonal-F Rff, Gonal-F Rff, Follitropin Alfa Recombi, Gonal-F Rff