Hormones Supplements-Estrogens-Progestins
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Rx Item-Lopreeza Ws 1-0.5 MG 28 Tab by Amneal Pharma USA, Item No. RX869014, 869014, NDC No.: 69238-1610-06, 69238-610-06, 6923861006, 69238161006, 1610-06, 161006 UPC No. 3-69238-16106-9, 369238-161069, 369238161069, Category:RX, Generic Drug Classification: Metabolic Agents-Antihyperlipidemic Agents-Fibric Acid Derivatives Drug Class: Drug Class: 24060600 Fibric Acid Derivatives Brand/generic: Other Names: Estradiol-Norethindrone A, Lopreeza Ws, Lopreeza Ws, Estradiol-Norethindrone A, Lopreeza Ws
Rx Item-Femhrt 0.5/2.5MC 5X28 Tab by Allergan Pharma USA, Item No. RX009478, 009478, NDC No.: 00430-0145-14, 00430-145-14, 0043014514, 00430014514, 0145-14, 014514 UPC No. 3-04300-14514-1, 304300-145141, 304300145141, Category:RX, Brand Drug Classification: Hormones Supplements-Estrogens-Progestins Drug Class: Drug Class: 68160400 Estrogens68320000 Progestin Brand/generic: Other Names: Norethindrone Ac-Eth Estr, Femhrt, Femhrt, Norethindrone Ac-Eth Estr, Femhrt
Rx Item-Lopreeza 1-0.5 MG 28 Tab by Amneal Pharma USA, Item No. RX869008, 869008, NDC No.: 69238-1610-06, 69238-610-06, 6923861006, 69238161006, 1610-06, 161006 UPC No. 3-69238-16106-9, 369238-161069, 369238161069, Category:RX, Generic Drug Classification: Hormones Supplements-Estrogens-Progestins Drug Class: Drug Class: 68160400 Estrogens68320000 Progestin Brand/generic: Other Names: Estradiol-Norethindrone A, Lopreeza, Lopreeza, Estradiol-Norethindrone A, Lopreeza
Rx Item-Activella 1MG5MG 28 Tab by Amneal Pharma USA Specialty, Item No. RX863504, 863504, NDC No.: 60846-0232-01, 60846-232-01, 6084623201, 60846023201, 0232-01, 023201 UPC No. 3-60846-23201-1, 360846-232011, 360846232011, Category:RX, Brand Drug Classification: Hormones Supplements-Estrogens-Progestins Drug Class: Drug Class: 68160400 Estrogens68320000 Progestin Brand/generic: BRAND Other Names: Lopreeza, Estradiol-Norethindrone Acetate, Activella, Lopreeza, Estradiol-Norethindrone Acetate
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Rx Item-AngeLiquid 0.25/0.5MG 3X28 Tab by Bayer HC Pharma USA, Item No. RX179301, 179301, NDC No.: 50419-0482-03, 50419-482-03, 5041948203, 50419048203, 0482-03, 048203 UPC No. 3-50419-48203-5, 350419-482035, 350419482035, Category:RX, Brand Drug Classification: Hormones Supplements-Estrogens-Progestins Drug Class: Drug Class: 68160400 Estrogens68320000 Progestin Brand/generic: BRAND Other Names: Drospirenone-Ethinyl Estradiol, Angeliq, Drospirenone-Ethinyl Estradiol
Rx Item-AngeLiquid 0.5/1MG 3X28 Tab by Bayer HC Pharma USA, Item No. RX492266, 492266, NDC No.: 50419-0483-03, 50419-483-03, 5041948303, 50419048303, 0483-03, 048303 UPC No. 3-50419-48303-2, 350419-483032, 350419483032, Category:RX, Brand Drug Classification: Hormones Supplements-Estrogens-Progestins Drug Class: Drug Class: 68160400 Estrogens68320000 Progestin Brand/generic: BRAND Other Names: Drospirenone-Ethinyl Estradiol, Angeliq, Drospirenone-Ethinyl Estradiol
Rx Item-Estrad-Noreth 1/0.5MG 28 Tab by Breckenridge Pharma USA, Item No. RX635591, 635591, NDC No.: 51991-0474-28, 51991-474-28, 5199147428, 51991047428, 0474-28, 047428 UPC No. 3-51991-47428-9, 351991-474289, 351991474289, Category:RX, Generic Drug Classification: Hormones Supplements-Estrogens-Progestins Drug Class: Drug Class: 68160400 Estrogens68320000 Progestin Brand/generic: Other Names: Estradiol-Norethindrone A, Estrad-Noreth, Estrad-Noreth, Estradiol-Norethindrone A, Estrad-Noreth
Rx Item-Estradiol-Nor 0.5-0.1 MG 28 Tab by Ingenus Pharma USA, Item No. RX906533, 906533, NDC No.: 50742-0658-28, 50742-658-28, 5074265828, 50742065828, 0658-28, 065828 UPC No. 3-50742-65828-2, 350742-658282, 350742658282, Category:RX, Generic Drug Classification: Hormones Supplements-Estrogens-Progestins Drug Class: Drug Class: 68160400 Estrogens68320000 Progestin Brand/generic: Other Names: Estradiol-Norethindrone A, Estradiol-Nor, Estradiol-Nor, Estradiol-Norethindrone A, Estradiol-Nor
Rx Item-Estradiol-Nor 0.5-0.1 MG 3X28 Tab by Ingenus Pharma USA, Item No. RX906636, 906636, NDC No.: 50742-0658-84, 50742-658-84, 5074265884, 50742065884, 0658-84, 065884 UPC No. 3-50742-65884-8, 350742-658848, 350742658848, Category:RX, Generic Drug Classification: Hormones Supplements-Estrogens-Progestins Drug Class: Drug Class: 68160400 Estrogens68320000 Progestin Brand/generic: Other Names: Estradiol-Norethindrone A, Estradiol-Nor, Estradiol-Nor, Estradiol-Norethindrone A, Estradiol-Nor
Rx Item-Estradiol-Nor 1-0.5 MG 28 Tab by Ingenus Pharma USA, Item No. RX906659, 906659, NDC No.: 50742-0657-28, 50742-657-28, 5074265728, 50742065728, 0657-28, 065728 UPC No. 3-50742-65728-5, 350742-657285, 350742657285, Category:RX, Generic Drug Classification: Hormones Supplements-Estrogens-Progestins Drug Class: Drug Class: 68160400 Estrogens68320000 Progestin Brand/generic: Other Names: Estradiol-Norethindrone A, Estradiol-Nor, Estradiol-Nor, Estradiol-Norethindrone A, Estradiol-Nor