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Rx Item-Amlodipine Besylate-Atorvastatin 10/20MG 500 Tab by Mylan Pharma USA
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Products: 280 item(s)

Rx Item-Atorvastatin 80MG 1000 Tab by Zydus Pharma USA
Rx Item-Atorvastatin 80MG 1000 Tab by Zydus Pharma USA, Item No. RX872580, 872580, NDC No.: 68382-0252-10, 68382-252-10, 6838225210, 68382025210, 0252-10, 025210 UPC No. 3-68382-25210-4, 368382-252104, 368382252104, Category:RX, Generic Drug Classification: Metabolic Agents-Antihyperlipidemic Agents-Statin Antihyperlipidemic Agents Drug Class: Drug Class: 24060800 H M G- C O A R E D U C T A S E I N H I B I T O R S Brand/generic: GENERIC Other Names: Lipitor, Atorvastatin Calcium, Lipitor
Rx Item-Atorvastatin 80MG 500 Tab by Lannett Pharma USA
Rx Item-Atorvastatin 80MG 500 Tab by Lannett Pharma USA, Item No. RX174383, 174383, NDC No.: 62175-0897-41, 62175-897-41, 6217589741, 62175089741, 0897-41, 089741 UPC No. 3-62175-89741-1, 362175-897411, 362175897411, Category:RX, Generic Drug Classification: Metabolic Agents-Antihyperlipidemic Agents-Statin Antihyperlipidemic Agents Drug Class: Drug Class: 24060800 H M G- C O A R E D U C T A S E I N H I B I T O R S Brand/generic: GENERIC Other Names: Lipitor, Atorvastatin Calcium, Lipitor
Rx Item-Altoprev Lovastatin 40MG ER 30 Tab by Covis Pharma USA
Rx Item-Altoprev 40MG ER 30 Tab by Covis Pharma USA, Item No. RX590075, 590075, NDC No.: 70515-0629-30, 70515-629-30, 7051562930, 70515062930, 0629-30, 062930 UPC No. 3-70515-62930-1, 370515-629301, 370515629301, Category:RX, Brand Drug Classification: Metabolic Agents-Antihyperlipidemic Agents-Statin Antihyperlipidemic Agents Drug Class: Drug Class: 24060800 Hmg- Coa Reductase Inhibitors Brand/generic: BRAND Other Names: Lovastatin, Mevacor, Altoprev, Lovastatin, Mevacor
Rx Item-Altoprev Lovastatin ER 60MG 30 Tab by Covis Pharma USA
Rx Item-Altoprev 60MG 30 Tab by Covis Pharma USA, Item No. RX567842, 567842, NDC No.: 70515-0630-30, 70515-630-30, 7051563030, 70515063030, 0630-30, 063030 UPC No. 3-70515-63030-7, 370515-630307, 370515630307, Category:RX, Brand Drug Classification: Metabolic Agents-Antihyperlipidemic Agents-Statin Antihyperlipidemic Agents Drug Class: Drug Class: 24060800 Hmg- Coa Reductase Inhibitors Brand/generic: BRAND Other Names: Lovastatin, Mevacor, Altoprev, Lovastatin, Mevacor
Rx Item-Atorvastatin 10MG 100 Tab by American Health Packaging USA
Rx Item-Atorvastatin 10MG 100 Tab by American Health Packaging USA, Item No. RX231126, 231126, NDC No.: 68084-0097-01, 68084-097-01, 6808409701, 68084009701, 0097-01, 009701 UPC No. 3-68084-09701-0, 368084-097010, 368084097010, Category:RX, Generic Drug Classification: Metabolic Agents-Antihyperlipidemic Agents-Statin Antihyperlipidemic Agents Drug Class: Drug Class: 24060800 Hmg- Coa Reductase Inhibitors Brand/generic: GENERIC Other Names: Lipitor, Atorvastatin Calcium, Lipitor
Rx Item-Atorvastatin 10MG 1000 Tab by Apotex Pharma USA
Rx Item-Atorvastatin 10MG 1000 Tab by Apotex Pharma USA, Item No. RX183121, 183121, NDC No.: 60505-2578-08, 60505-578-08, 6050557808, 60505257808, 2578-08, 257808 UPC No. 3-60505-25788-1, 360505-257881, 360505257881, Category:RX, Generic Drug Classification: Metabolic Agents-Antihyperlipidemic Agents-Statin Antihyperlipidemic Agents Drug Class: Drug Class: 24060800 Hmg- Coa Reductase Inhibitors Brand/generic: GENERIC Other Names: Lipitor, Atorvastatin Calcium, Lipitor
Rx Item-Atorvastatin 10MG 1000 Tab by Biocon Pharma USA
Rx Item-Atorvastatin 10MG 1000 Tab by Biocon Pharma USA, Item No. RX927632, 927632, NDC No.: 70377-0027-13, 70377-027-13, 7037702713, 70377002713, 0027-13, 002713 UPC No. 3-70377-02713-0, 370377-027130, 370377027130, Category:RX, Generic Drug Classification: Metabolic Agents-Antihyperlipidemic Agents-Statin Antihyperlipidemic Agents Drug Class: Drug Class: 24060800 Hmg- Coa Reductase Inhibitors Brand/generic: GENERIC Other Names: Lipitor, Atorvastatin Calcium, Lipitor
Rx Item-Atorvastatin 10MG 1000 Tab by Cipla Pharma USA
Rx Item-Atorvastatin 10MG 1000 Tab by Cipla Pharma USA, Item No. RX706871, 706871, NDC No.: 69097-0944-15, 69097-944-15, 6909794415, 69097094415, 0944-15, 094415 UPC No. 3-69097-94415-5, 369097-944155, 369097944155, Category:RX, Generic Drug Classification: Metabolic Agents-Antihyperlipidemic Agents-Statin Antihyperlipidemic Agents Drug Class: Drug Class: 24060800 Hmg- Coa Reductase Inhibitors Brand/generic: GENERIC Other Names: Lipitor, Atorvastatin Calcium, Lipitor
Rx Item-Atorvastatin 10MG 1000 Tab by Greenstone Pharma USA
Rx Item-Atorvastatin 10MG 1000 Tab by Greenstone Pharma USA, Item No. RX208532, 208532, NDC No.: 59762-0155-02, 59762-155-02, 5976215502, 59762015502, 0155-02, 015502 UPC No. 3-59762-01552-5, 359762-015525, 359762015525, Category:RX, Generic Drug Classification: Metabolic Agents-Antihyperlipidemic Agents-Statin Antihyperlipidemic Agents Drug Class: Drug Class: 24060800 Hmg- Coa Reductase Inhibitors Brand/generic: GENERIC Other Names: Lipitor, Atorvastatin Calcium, Lipitor
Rx Item-Atorvastatin 10MG 1000 Tab by Lannett Pharma USA
Rx Item-Atorvastatin 10MG 1000 Tab by Lannett Pharma USA, Item No. RX174348, 174348, NDC No.: 62175-0890-43, 62175-890-43, 6217589043, 62175089043, 0890-43, 089043 UPC No. 3-62175-89043-6, 362175-890436, 362175890436, Category:RX, Generic Drug Classification: Metabolic Agents-Antihyperlipidemic Agents-Statin Antihyperlipidemic Agents Drug Class: Drug Class: 24060800 Hmg- Coa Reductase Inhibitors Brand/generic: GENERIC Other Names: Lipitor, Atorvastatin Calcium, Lipitor