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Products: 332 item(s)

Alive Immune Health Softgels 30 By Schwabe North America USA
Item No. OTC979993, 979993, NDC# 03367-4132-94 03367-132-94 0336741329 03367413294 UPC Code: 0-03367-41329-4 003367-413294 003367413294 Alive Immune Health Softgels Soft Gel 30 by Schwabe North America USA Category:OTC/Nutritional/Alive Other Name: Therapeutic Code:0 Generic Group No.: Generic Form Code: Generic Qnty/Str Code: Item Form Code: Soft Gel, Item Status Message: Active Hazmat Code:N Item Extra Descr: Scannable NDC: Brand Flag: Y Package Type Code:One Each Small Description: Multivitamins Unit Dose: No
Alive Multivitamins Men 50+ Gummy 60 By Schwabe North America USA
Item No. OTC219303, 219303, NDC# 03367-4159-02 03367-159-02 0336741590 03367415902 UPC Code: 0-03367-41590-2 003367-415902 003367415902 Alive Multivit Men 50+ Gummy Gummy 60 by Schwabe North America USA Category:OTC/Nutritional/Alive Other Name: Therapeutic Code:0 Generic Group No.: Generic Form Code: Generic Qnty/Str Code: Item Form Code: Gummy, Item Status Message: Temp Unavail from Mfg Hazmat Code:N Item Extra Descr: Scannable NDC: Brand Flag: Y Package Type Code:One Each Small Description: Multivitamins Unit Dose: No
Alive Multivitamins Men 50+ Tab 50 By Schwabe North America USA
Item No. OTC219321, 219321, NDC# 03367-4602-44 03367-602-44 0336746024 03367460244 UPC Code: 0-03367-46024-4 003367-460244 003367460244 Alive Multivitamins Men 50+ Tab 50 by Schwabe North America USA Category:OTC/Nutritional/Alive Other Name: Therapeutic Code:0 Generic Group No.: Generic Form Code: Generic Qnty/Str Code: Item Form Code: Tab, Item Status Message: Active Hazmat Code:N Item Extra Descr: Scannable NDC: Brand Flag: Y Package Type Code:One Each Small Description: Multivitamins Unit Dose: No
Alive Multivitamins Men Gummy 60 By Schwabe North America USA
Item No. OTC219295, 219295, NDC# 03367-4159-00 03367-159-00 0336741590 03367415900 UPC Code: 0-03367-41590-0 003367-415900 003367415900 Alive Multivit Men Gummy Gummy 60 by Schwabe North America USA Category:OTC/Nutritional/Alive Other Name: Therapeutic Code:0 Generic Group No.: Generic Form Code: Generic Qnty/Str Code: Item Form Code: Gummy, Item Status Message: Active Hazmat Code:N Item Extra Descr: Scannable NDC: Brand Flag: Y Package Type Code:One Each Small Description: Multivitamins Unit Dose: No
Alive Multivitamins Women 50+ Gummy 60 By Schwabe North America USA
Item No. OTC219319, 219319, NDC# 03367-4159-04 03367-159-04 0336741590 03367415904 UPC Code: 0-03367-41590-4 003367-415904 003367415904 Alive Multivit Women 50+ Gummy Gummy 60 by Schwabe North America USA Category:OTC/Nutritional/Alive Other Name: Therapeutic Code:0 Generic Group No.: Generic Form Code: Generic Qnty/Str Code: Item Form Code: Gummy, Item Status Message: Temp Unavail from Mfg Hazmat Code:N Item Extra Descr: 50+ Scannable NDC: Brand Flag: Y Package Type Code:One Each Small Description: Multivitamins Unit Dose: No
Aquadeks 100Mcg-5 mg Chewable Tab 60 By Allergan USA
Item No. OTC048619, 048619, NDC# 58914-0014-60 58914-014-60 5891440146 58914001460 UPC Code: 0-35891-40146-0 035891-401460 035891401460 Aquadeks 100Mcg-5Mg Chw Tab 60 by Allergan USA Category:OTC/Nutritional/Aquadeks Other Name: mv-min 51/folic acid/vit Therapeutic Code:882800 Generic Group No.: 29262 Generic Form Code:CHW Generic Qnty/Str Code: 100-350MCG Item Form Code: Tab, Item Status Message: Active Hazmat Code:N Item Extra Descr: Scannable NDC: 58914001460 Brand Flag: Y Package Type Code:One Each Small Description: Multivitamins Unit Dose: No
Please email us at [email protected] for the quantity available, current pricing and eligibility to purchase. Please provide item# when calling or emailing. Thank you.
Calcium 600 mg +D Plus Minerals Caplet 600 mg +Min 75 By 21st Century USA
Item No. OTC290643, 290643, NDC# 74098-5272-87 74098-272-87 7409852728 74098527287 UPC Code: 0-74098-52728-7 074098-527287 074098527287 Calcium 600Mg +D Plus Minerals Caplet 600MG+MIN 75 by 21st Century USA Category:OTC/Nutritional/Calcium+D Other Name: Therapeutic Code:0 Generic Group No.: Generic Form Code: Generic Qnty/Str Code: Item Form Code: Caplet, Item Status Message: Active Hazmat Code:N Item Extra Descr: Scannable NDC: Brand Flag: Y Package Type Code:One Each Small Description: Multivitamins Unit Dose: No
Currax Tab 100 By Currax Pharmaceuticals USA
Item No. OTC425033, 425033, NDC# 63717-0099-01 63717-099-01 6371770990 63717009901 UPC Code: 0-36371-70990-1 036371-709901 036371709901 Currax Tab 100 by Currax Pharmaceuticals USA Category:OTC/Analgesic Internal/Currax Other Name: iron carbonyl/ascorbic ac Therapeutic Code:200404 Generic Group No.: 95145 Generic Form Code:TAB Generic Qnty/Str Code: 100-250 MG Item Form Code: Tab, Item Status Message: Active Hazmat Code:N Item Extra Descr: Scannable NDC: 63717009901 Brand Flag: N Package Type Code:One Each Small Description: Multivitamins Unit Dose: No
Daily Multi Vitamins Caplet 100 By Nature's Bounty USA
Item No. OTC708651, 708651, NDC# 07431-2765-73 07431-765-73 0743127657 07431276573 UPC Code: 0-07431-27657-3 007431-276573 007431276573 Daily Multi Vitamins Caplet 100 by Nature's Bounty USA Category:OTC/Nutritional/Daily Multi Vitamins Other Name: Therapeutic Code:0 Generic Group No.: Generic Form Code: Generic Qnty/Str Code: Item Form Code: Caplet, Item Status Message: Active Hazmat Code:N Item Extra Descr: NAT BOUNTY Scannable NDC: Brand Flag: Y Package Type Code:One Each Small Description: Multivitamins Unit Dose: No
Dailyvite Wafer 90 By Hillestad Pharmactcls USA
Item No. OTC996264, 996264, NDC# 10542-0300-90 10542-300-90 1054203009 10542030090 UPC Code: 0-10542-03009-0 010542-030090 010542030090 Dailyvite Wafer 90 by Hillestad Pharmactcls USA Category:OTC/Nutritional/Dailyvite Other Name: Therapeutic Code:0 Generic Group No.: Generic Form Code: Generic Qnty/Str Code: Item Form Code: Wafer , Item Status Message: Active Hazmat Code:N Item Extra Descr: Scannable NDC: Brand Flag: Y Package Type Code:One Each Small Description: Multivitamins Unit Dose: No